
To promote and ensure appropriate consideration is given to the environment whilst Willerby Parish Council (WPC) and its employees or contractors are conducting its business and activities. In order to do this, WPC needs to take responsibility for its actions and need to have a sense of duty and care for the world in which we live.


All employees, contractors, those receiving grant funding from WPC.

Policy Statement

WPC is committed to protecting and maintaining the quality of the environment by carrying out its services in an environmentally sensitive way where this is practicable. WPC recognises the growing importance of environmental considerations and will, wherever practicable, promote the concepts of sustainable development. Sustainable development is about ‘meeting the needs of today’s society without compromising future generation’s ability to meet their own needs’.

WPC believes it has a responsibility to care for and protect the environment in which it operates. WPC is fully committed to improving environmental performance across all of its activities and will encourage members of the wider community to join us in this effort.

Willerby Parish Council recognises its key impacts to be in the areas of:

  • energy use
  • raw material use
  • waste generation
  • transport (cycle lanes & crossings)
  • procurement
  • Assess its activities and identify areas where it can minimise impacts.
  • Minimise waste through careful and efficient use of all materials and energy.
  • Purchase sustainable products wherever feasible [e.g. recycled benches)
  • Publicise its environmental position.
  • Ensure contractors use good environmental practice and encourage involvement in environmental action.
  • Aim to include environmental and ethical considerations in purchasing and planning decisions where appropriate.
  • Assist in developing solutions to environmental problems.
  • Continually assess the environmental impact of all our operations.


WPC will reduce the amount of energy and water it uses by careful housekeeping.

Paper & Stationery

WPC will reduce the amount of paper it uses by:

  • Writing and printing on both sides of the paper whenever possible
  • Sending information electronically where appropriate
  • Buying paper that is environmentally friendly
  • Ensure that printer cartridges are recycled via the appropriate channels.
  • Any paper that cannot be re-used will be recycled

Purchasing & Contracts

Where possible and practicable WPC will purchase its goods and services from local suppliers who share the Council’s environmental viewpoint:

  • Purchase and use products, which have been manufactured from recycled materials and can be disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.
  • Use contractors (as and when required) who share the Council’s environmental objectives or when working for the Council, adopt equivalent environmental standards.

Waste Disposal

Willerby Parish Council will aim to reduce the amount of waste produced and where practicable recycle/re-use so reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfill.

WPC fully supports East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s recycling door step/kerbside collection scheme and will support and promote recycling facilities within the Parish when required.

All forms of confidential paper waste will be shredded and recycled.

All forms of green waste collected (where practicable) will be recycled through Composters and turned into a garden mulch/soil for use in Council maintained areas (eg village Christmas tree)


Council will support East Riding of Yorkshire Council in embracing all initiatives aimed at encouraging the use of, and improvements to, the public transport infrastructure. This will include schemes aimed at increasing the number of people who walk or cycle to work/school and any  car sharing schemes as well as the use of public footpaths & safe crossing areas for pedestrians and the less able-bodied people to use and enjoy.

Litter & Dog Fouling

Willerby Parish Council will actively seek to discourage all forms of littering in particular Dog Fouling. Any incidents brought to the Parish Council’s attention will be investigated and reported to the relevant authorities including the Police and Dog Warden.

Natural & Historic Environment

WPC will work to protect, enhance and preserve the natural environment within the Parish for todays and future generation’s enjoyment.

Building & Development

WPC will support East Riding of Yorkshire Council in managing the impact of development on the local natural and historic environment as well as its features and resources.