Willerby Parish Council

Who are we?

Willerby Parish Council is a civil local authority and we are the first tier of local government. We are the only local government tier that represents residents at village/community level.

A Parish Council’s aim is to enhance the local area by working to identify issues which are important to the lives of the residents and bringing about improvements through local projects.

Our Parish Councillors are unpaid and volunteer their free time to represent the interests of and improve our local community.

We meet once a month and members of the public are more than welcome to attend to bring to our attention any issues that they may have – we are a friendly bunch! To have a look in advance at what we will be discussing, our monthly agenda is published both on our website and on noticeboards from the Thursday before each meeting.

How are we funded?

We are funded by receiving a small amount of local Council Tax per household per year– this is shown on your annual Council Tax bill. We return this funding directly back into the community by improving, maintaining, and enhancing our village in many different ways. This is the only part of your Council Tax bill that is spent exclusively within the village.

What do we do?

Where do we start?? We are responsible for, fund, and provide many things for our beautiful village, some of these are listed below:

  • The Millennium Clock in Willerby Square.
  • The Weather Vane on the Gorton Road/Hop-pole roundabout.
  • The Play Park on Well Lane.
  • Additional Salt & Litter bins around the village where required.
  • Benches around the village.
  • Employment of an additional litter picker around the village and Playpark Gatekeepers.
  • Additional street lighting where needed.
  • Roundabout Christmas Lights & Village Christmas Tree.
  • Armistice Day Poppy displays & wreaths.
  • Flower baskets around the village & flowers on the highway intersections along with the Wildflowers on the roundabout.
  • Organising & funding local community events including an annual Christmas Tree switch on event.
  • Presenting an annual community award to a pupil/group at Willerby Carr Lane Primary School.
  • The War Memorial outside of the Institute, Main Street.
  • Installing and maintaining five dog bag dispensers around the village.
  • Competitions throughout the year such as the Easter Bunny and Christmas display competitions.
  • The history board on Kingston Road near to the Weather Vane.
  • Funding the installation of Willerby’s two heritage trail boards and booklets.
  • Presenting the pupils of Willerby Carr Lane Primary School with commemorative gifts for events such as the Platinum Jubilee and Coronation of King Charles III.

We deal directly with both the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Humberside Police to assist residents with any issues, problems & queries that they have.

Moving into 2023

2022 was another incredibly hard year for everyone. However, we have lots of exciting projects planned for 2023 and would love to do even more to enhance our lovely village. Local sponsorship (from both companies and individuals) is always welcome and is very much appreciated.  Every bit of extra help we get financially allows us to not only maintain these standards, but also to go that extra mile to maintain and provide wonderful things for our village.

If you would like to make a donation to help to keep our village fabulous please contact us – we would love to hear from you and would be extremely grateful ?



Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council normally meet at 7.00pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the Square Well, Methodist Church Carr Lane Willerby. Members of the public are invited to attend and there is a 10 minute public forum at the start of each meeting.

Parish Councilors

Willerby Parish Council currently have 9 Parish Councillors who volunteer to support the local community. If you would like to know more about who they are and what they do please click on the button below.

Join the Parish Council

Being a parish councillor can be a very rewarding and interesting experience helping you to give something back to the community. Share ideas, discuss projects and have a very real input into decisions concerning the local community.

Parish Council Grants

Discover more about the guidelines Willerby Parish Council follow to provide grants for local groups or apply for a grant online.

Contact the Parish Council

We would love to hear from you and happy to receive your message via this website, Facebook, email, telephone or pop a letter in the post.