Welcome to Willerby Parish Council’s website.

This website has been created to inform local residents about Willerby Parish Council. We hope that this website will provide useful information and strengthen communication between Willerby Parish Council and the residents of Willerby. A Parish Council’s aim is to enhance the local area by working to identify issues which are important to the lives of the residents and bringing about improvements through local projects. If you have any issues or concerns about anything affecting the village, please do not hesitate to contact us. Further information on local services, schools and facilities can be found on the below websites or via the Community Information link:




A164 & Jocks Lodge Junction Improvement Scheme

Work is currently taking place to transform one of the East Riding of Yorkshire’s most congested road junctions. Further information on the scheme along with full plans and key dates can be found on the website www.a164jockslodge.co.uk.

Environment Agency Biowise Community Newsletter – September 2024

Don’t forget we’re also on Facebook & Twitter. Keep up to date with what’s happening in your village by following us using the links below:

     Click here to find us on Facebook 

     Click here to follow us on Twitter

Could all members of the public wishing to attend a Parish Council meeting please inform the Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow for the required arrangements to be made.